Review Sheet -- Test 1 (Week 1) Biology 4900 -- Entomology; James Adams
What is an Insect? See "Classification of Arthropods"
Insects are in the Phylum Arthropoda (meaning "jointed appendages").
(Chapter 15, 16)
Distinguishing Characteristics of Arthropods:
1. Jointed appendages (of course!)
2. An exoskeleton (which must either be shed or added on to for growth)
This exoskeleton provides protection, support and muscle attachment (like
your endo-
3. Distinctly segmented body.
Several different subphyla are included in the arthropods (Know the bold faced groups)
Trilobites (extinct)
Chelicerates which includes Arachnids (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, chiggers, etc.)
Crustaceans which includes crabs, lobsters, shrimp,
isopods (pillbugs), etc.
Myriapods, which includes centipedes (Chilopoda) and millipedes
Hexapods --
this subphylum includes the insects and odd primitive orders
Some people
believe Myriapods and Hexapods are sister groups, but more recently genetic
studies strongly infer that hexapods are the sister to Crustaceans. See my
website and
the link provided to a
recent paper on the relationships of arthropods
Some important features of hexapods, shared with
some other arthropod groups:
See "Entomological
1. Mouthparts that include:
a. Labrum (upper "lip")
b. Two pairs of food manipulating mouthparts: mandibles and maxillae
c. Labium (lower "lip")
2. One pair of antennae on head, which is freely moving
from other segments
3. Sclerites ("hard parts") on each segment: a top tergite, lateral pleurites, and a sternite
4. Several internal structures:
a. Respiratory system --
with tracheae and spiracles (usually two per segment)
b. Digestive system --
with fore-, mid- (with peritrophic membrane) and hindgut
c. Excretory system --
with Malpighian tubules
d. Circulatory system --
open, with dorsal blood vessel carrying blood forward to head
Distinguishing Characteristics of Hexapods:
1. Six legs, of course!
2. Three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen
3. Wings in many (but not all); any arthropod with
wings is an insect
All Hexapods used to be called Insects (Class Insecta); you'll notice that
your book mentions two
separate "groups" of hexapods --
the "Informal Group" Entognatha (containing the Protura,
and Diplura) and the Class Insecta . . . Why?
Because there are some distinctive differences between some of the most
primitive hexapods and
those that are considered true
insects, though again, recent studies suggest that the Diplura
are very closely related to insects and may belong with them. The Protura are
very odd,
with no eyes or antennae, and they even add
segments as they molt the first four times.
(Collembola) are also odd in their body segmentation (only 6 in the abdomen),
genetically appear to be the sister to the Proturans.
Both Diplura and Collembola have fully
antennae (we'll explain this further). So there are some very strange primitive
hexapods, but they are all considered hexapods (though
not all are considered insects).
In this course, we will talk about ALL hexapods, but don't be surprised if I refer to all of them as
insects from time to time!
(Chapter 1)
Why study Insects, or Who Cares?!
Insects are SUCCESSFUL, in many respects:
1. They are diverse --
many, many different species in the world.
2. They are numerous --
lots and lots of individuals.
3. They have inhabited most parts of the surface of the earth, including being very diverse
in the terrestrial (land) environment.
Why have insects been so successful? (See pages 10
- 12)
1. A multipurpose, largely water impermeable exoskelton, and internalized respiratory
2. Inhabiting the terrestrial environment, particularly having done so before vertebrates
3. A small body size --
minimal survival requirements
4. A fast (short) generation time and tremendous production of immatures (young).
Allows much more rapid evolutionary adaptation and ultimately speciation
a major reason why insects are so diverse.
5. Flight for the vast majority of species
allows escape, finding resources and dispersal.
6. Many have complete metamorphosis B
reduces competition between life stages.
Still, why study insects? Because they influence YOU.
1. Because they are so abundant, particularly in the terrestrial environment, you WILL
encounter them.
2. There are Beneficial insects
-- Examples?
3. There are Injurious insects -- Examples?
We will discuss the impacts of insects on humans in much greater detail later in the semester.